Thursday, December 27, 2018

Summer Learning Journey #36 Funky Fungi

My Task: Let’s imagine that we tested the air in your classroom and found 7 different kinds of mould. Eek! The cleaner says that it takes 5 days for each mould to be eradicated (removed). If the school had to remove each mould one at a time, how long would it take to remove all the mould from the classroom?
On your blog, tell us how you would solve this tricky maths problem. Be sure to also post your final answer in days or weeks.

It would take 35 days/ 5 weeks to remove the fungi because if it takes 5 days to remove 7 different places of fungi you just do 5 x 7 = 35 days and 35 days is 5 weeks because there are 7 days in a week.

Saturday, December 22, 2018

Summer Learning Journey #35 Special Sinks

My Task: On your blog, list all of the foods that you would put in your special draining sink.

I would put in my sink cream rice, custard, mushrooms & boiled eggs in sandwiches and salads ect.

Image result for boiled eggsImage result for edible mushrooms in packet
Image result for rice cream in a small can

Friday, December 21, 2018

Summer Learning Journey #34 Bee-utiful

My Task: On your blog type out the four ‘Unbee-lievable Facts about Bumblebees’ and fill in the blanks for each one.

1. The word ‘bumblebee’ is a compound word (bumble + bee). The word ‘bumble’ means to ____________________________________.

2. Bumblebees can fly very quickly. They can reach ground speeds of _______ kilometres per hour (km/h).

3. Bumblebees can do more work and carry more pollen than other bees, including honeybees. In fact, they can do  ______ times as much work as a normal honeybee.

4. The number of bumblebees is declining in New Zealand due to a number of factors, including _______________________ and ______________________________ [insert any two causes of the declining number of bumblebees].

Answer 1 blank: Humm, Buzz, Drone or move ineptly or flounderingly.

Answer 2 blank: 54kms per hour

Answer 3 blank: 50 times more

Answer 4 blank: Ants & Wasps can kill bumble bees

Summer Learning Journey #29 The Black Drain

My Task: On your blog, tell us:
1) The names of the rivers. 2) The location of the rivers. 3) What is being done to clean up the rivers (if anything).
River 1: A news article said that in Auckland that %23 of rivers were swimable and %97 of lakes were swimable. To help clean up the rest of the rivers and lakes they have made a start by putting up fences around rivers and planting around them to. 
River 2: Another News Article said that in Northland %24 of rivers were swimable and %67 of lakes were swimable. They are also putting up fences and planting lots of plants to help in Northland.

Thursday, December 20, 2018

Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Summer Learning Journey #32 Sunsmart

My Task: On your blog, list five different things that we can do to protect ourselves from the sun this summer!
Image result for bucket hat nz
1: Wear Sunscreen

2: You Could Stay Insinde

3: You Could Stay In The Shade
Image result for sunscreen nz
4: Wear A Hat

5: Wear Sunglasses

Summer Learning Journey #31 Togs Or Trackies?

My Task: On your blog, tell us what time of year you think is best for tourists for come and visit. Be sure to share at least three things that tourists could do while they were here in NZ.

I think for tourists the best time to come is in the summer because the weather is warm and there are plenty of beaches.
1 activity the tourists could do is visit lots of tourist attractions.
another activity tourists could do is go down to Queenstown its really popular down there and cool
and the last thing they can do is go swimming if they come in the summer and go to somewhere like Mount Cook in the winter (they can climb to the top if they really want or just do the track).

Summer Learning Journey #30 Faded Glory

My Task: On your blog, list three different ideas or strategies for raising funds to preserve the Great Barrier Reef. What could you do to fundraise here in New Zealand?

Option 1: Put a raffle table outside supermarkets and make the tickets like $2 and have around 5 decent prizes or prize baskets.

Option 2: Have a sausage sizzle outside somewhere popular

Option 3: If the people running the protect the reef thing have kids at a big primary school, if they have to wear uniforms the could say $1 for mufti, $2 for a sausage sizzle & have other activites you have to pay for and if the school is big the people would get a lot of money. This idea could or could not work.

Summer Learning Journey #28 Overfishing

My Task: What do you think about this rule? Is it fair that people are charged up to $100 000 for overfishing? On your blog, tell us what you think about this rule and why you think it!.

I think that its fair to get charged up to $100 000 (as long as I'm not getting the fine). I think that its ok because otherwise there will be no fish left and we need to protect the animals on our earth. If it says no fishing you shouldn't fish there, its simple to go to another fishing spot.

Summer Learning Journey #27 Selfies

My Task: On your blog, write a short story about what you think is happening in the picture. Be sure to tell us where you think the people are and what you think they were doing at the time that they stopped to pose for the selfie. To earn full points, the story must be 8 – 10 sentences long.

I chose selfie #3
I think that the girl is on a trip in this place and has been taking lots of selfies a long her way. I think she is in one of the cities/places that will sink underwater overtime. I think she wants to show the world how beautiful that place is. I think before she took other selfies that weren't as daring, so this time she went on the edge all for an epic photo. I also think she is wanting to be adventurous by going different places and trying more extreme things. I think she is excited that shes on a trip, and maybe partly nervous. I think that when she visits different places she will take extreme selfies from way high up. I think she could be a photographer once she has finished her trip, or she might go other places and take selfies for a living

Summer Learning Journey #26 It's All In The Name

My Task:On your blog, give us a list of three to five options for the name of this geothermal pool. Put a star (*) beside the name that you like the most.

Name 1: Shreks Swamp*

Name 2: Green Stinker

Name 3: Toxic Bath

Summer Learning Journey #25 Planes,Trains & Automobiles

My Task: On your blog tell us which of the three options you would take to explore Milford Sound. Be sure to tell us why you have chosen this option.

I would choose to go on the boat because I've done plently of walking. The helicopter would be my 2nd choice because I went on one when I was little and it was really loud. I would want to go on the boat because you could get good photos, I know you could get good photos by walking aswell. I would also want to go on a boat so then I enjoy it better now that im older, also the boat looks cool.

Summer Learning Journey #24 Colossal Squid

My Task: Let’s imagine that the average adult can lift 25 kg and the average child can lift 15 kg. How many adults and children will it take to move the giant squid into its new room at Te Papa? [Note: There is more than one right answer to this question.]
On your blog, tell us how you will solve this maths problem. You can write your answer in words, use a Sketchpad image or post a video explaining how you would figure it out. Be sure to give us your final answer. .
You can have lots of different answers so I will put down 4

Answer 1 = You will need 20 adults because 25x20 is 500,
 25x20= 500

Answer 2 = You will need 32 children because 15x32 is 480 and 1 adult because they can hold 20kg, 480+20=500

Answer 3 = You will need 20 children because 15x20 is 300 and 10 adults because 20x10 is 200, 300+200= 500

Answer 4 = You will need 8  children because 15x8 is 120 and 14 adults because 20x14 is 280, 120+280= 500

Summer Learning Journey #22 Night Owls

Image result for sunrise nz

My Task: On your blog, tell us whether you are a night owl or an early riser. Then, tell us about the rest of your family. Are they the same as you?

I am sometimes an early riser and wake up around 7-8am, and somtimes I stay up late untill around 9 or 10pm in the holidays.

Dad is an early riser because he has to get up to milk the cows.

Mum is sometimes an early riser and does the office work or other times shes out on the farm.

Shaun is a night owl because he always goes to sleep around 10pm and he stays in bed for ages unless he has to get up early and milk cows.

Hamish is not a night owl but not an early riser I don't really know his sleeping patern.

Summer Learning Journey #15 Going Going Gone

Tuesday, December 18, 2018

Summer Learning Journey #21 Funky Plants

My Task: On your blog, list three similarities and three differences between the two plants that you chose. To earn five extra bonus points, post a picture of both plants on your blog..

Summer Learning Journey #20 Mighty Mangroves

Summer Learning Journey #19 Flax Weaving

My Task: On your blog, tell us whether or not you would like to try your hand at flax weaving. Does it interest you? Why or why not?

I have flax weaved before and I enjoyed it I would do it again with school and learn more complicated things to weave. In my own time I would personally not choose to flax weave I would choose to do it at school.

Summer Learning Journey #18 Something Fishy

My Task: On your blog, write out each fact and in CAPITAL LETTERS beside the fact, write the word ‘TRUE’ if it is a true fact or ‘FALSE’ if it is not true.
True or False?

Fish Fact #1: The oldest known fish in the world is a 65 year old Australian lungfish.
Fish Fact #2: Sharks are the only fish that have eyelids.
Fish Fact #3: Starfish are a type of fish.
Fish Fact #4: Fish communicate with each other by making low-pitched sounds (moans, hisses, etc)
Fish Fact #5: Fish usually swim together in groups called ‘classes.’
Answer 1 = TRUE

Answer 2 = TRUE

Answer 3 = FALSE

Answer 4 = TRUE

Answer 5 = FALSE

Summer Learning Journey #17 Cycling

My Task: On your blog, list the three people you would like to have on your Lake Taupo Cycle Race Support Crew. Tell us why you have chosen each person.

1- Shaun because he is fit and would keep me motivated

2- Mum because she will also help me feel more motivated

3- Hamish because I can always have a joke around him.

Summer Learning Journey #14 Living On The Edge

My Task: On your blog, write a letter to your best friend or a family member telling them about your trip to the tundra. To earn full points your letter must have a greeting (eg. Dear…) followed by 5 – 6 sentences of information about what your experience.

Dear Family
As you know I am on a trip in Tundra, it is really cold!
There are some cool animals around like the snowy owl and theres more animals.
I am enjoying it here but I kind of miss being around home but I will be back soon.
I've meet some other people visiting Tundra and they are really nice.
I've also learnt some things about here like the permafrost prevents trees from growing because the roots need to go deep and can't grow. I will explain more about my trip and what I learnt here. I will be back in around 4 days, see you soon.
From: Bridget

Summer Learning Journey #13 Towering Timbers

My Task: On your blog tell us whether you think logging should be allowed in New Zealand. Be sure to provide at least two reasons to support your argument.

I think logging should be aloud in New Zealand because there is plenty of forest and will provide more jobs. But if  the logging industries start to destroy too many trees without re-planting them, then I think they need to go around and re plant the trees and have a break from cutting down trees in summer. So I think it should be aloud as long as they re-plant and think whether they need to cut down the trees.

Summer Learning Journey #12 Salt & Pepper

My Task: On your blog tell us where you would build your hotel and what you would use to build it. For an extra five points, use Google Drawings to design one room in your hotel. You can also use a paper and pencil to draw your room, take a picture of the drawing, and post it on your blog

I would find a place made of gingerbread and make a big ginger bread hotel and I would build it in Canada. The picture is kind of blurry but it is all candy themed

Summer Learning Journey #11 Pancake Rocks

My Task: For this activity you are asked to choose one of your favourite foods. On your blog, write the name of your favourite food and then tell us how to make it. You may need to ask a family member, friend or Google (!) for help, if you do not normally make this food for yourself.

My favourite food is buttery popcorn

The recipe  I use is very simple I get a packet of microwaveable popcorn (extra buttery) and I put it in the micorwave for 3 minutes and stop the microve at around 20-30 seconds left. It is simple and yummy.

Image result for buttery popcorn

Summer Learning Journey #6 Weird and Wonderful

My Task: On your blog, tell us how to solve this maths problem. You can write your answer in words, use a Sketchpad image, or post a video explaining how you would figure it out. Be sure to give us your final answer in millilitres (ml).

Let’s imagine that you are given a cactus for your birthday. To keep it alive, you must give it 3 ml of water every day.
Over one full year, how much water will you need to give your cactus plant?
The Answer is 1095ml because 
300ml x 3ml= 900ml
60ml x 3ml = 180ml
5ml x 3ml= 15ml
Then 900ml + 180ml + 15ml = 1095ml

Summer Learning Journey #10 Edmund Hillary

My task is to write 5 questions I would ask Edmund Hillary if I could meet him

1- How long did it take you to climb Mount Everest?

2- How did it feel to reach the top?

3- Did you leave your mark on the top of Mount Everest?

4- Are you happy/proud you are on the $5 note?

5- Would you climb Mount Everest again?

Summer Learning Journey #9 The WWF

My task is once I have watched the video, go to my blog and, using full sentences, tell us:
1) The name of the animal the WWF is working to save.
2) What the WWF is doing to help the animal.

3) What, if any, success they have had protecting the animal.

Out of the 2 videos I had to watch the animals they were trying to protect were tigers and fresh water seals. To help the freshwater seals they made snow banks so that when the mother gave birth to the pups half of them wouldn't die. They also said that making snow banks are working but they need a more affective or easier plan. The video about the protecting tigers was basically just a video about saying it doesn't matter where you are you can still help protect tigers and thats really all the video said.

Summer Learning Journey #8 Doc Rangers

my task is to list three pros (good things) and three cons (bad things) about working as a DOC ranger. At the bottom of your post, tell us whether you would like to be a DOC Ranger or not.


1 you are helping to protect native wild life

2 it would be cool to see all the animals and get closer to them than just staring through a window

3 you will get to travel and meet new people


1 you won't be able to see your family as much if you are working somewhere far away

2 you could get injured while trying to save/help our wildlife

3 when you put out traps you could accidentally kill native wild life

Personally I wouldn't like to be a DOC ranger, I'm sure it could be fun or interesting but I would rather be like a vet or a professional hockey player.

Summer Learning Journey #7 Fantastic Beasts

The task I had to complete was look at a website for the book writen by J.K Rowling and then create my own fantastic beast and give it a description.

Monday, December 17, 2018

Summer Learning Journey #5 Fabulous Fern

In this activity I had to research some of New Zealands sport teams that have ferns in their name. Then I had to put a picture of the teams uniform next to it. Then at the bottom I had to put which is my favourite uniform and why.

Silver Ferns - Netball     Image result for silver ferns uniform

Black Ferns - Womens Rugby Team  Image result for black ferns

White Ferns - Womens Cricket Team Image result for white ferns

The uniform I like the most is the white ferns uniform because it has pink on it and the design looks cool, and that really all why I like the uniform but all the uniforms in my opion are cool.

Summer Learning Journey #4 The Tāne Mahuta Tree

In this activity I had to explain why I would/would not want to visit the Tāne Mahuta tree in real life.

I would like to visit the Tāne Mahuta tree in real life because I would get to fly up on a plane to see it. Also I would want to see whether I could hug the tree and my arms could fit around it, or to see how many people it would take to get a circle around the tree. It would also be cool to get a photo of it and see how huge it is.

Image result for Tāne Mahuta Tree

Summer Learning Journey #3 Digital Foot Print

In this activity I had to create a digital foot print and explaining ways to be positive and smart online, I wasn't 100% sure if I was doing this right but this is how it ended up.

Summer Learning Journey #2 My Home Town

In this task I had to write about my home town Inchbonnie.

My home town In the South Island on the West Coast near Moana called Inchbonnie. I have lived in Inchbonnie my whole life and basically all of Inchbonnie is farmland. In the back of my farm there are lots of waterholes and one of them is crystal clear, very cold & looks amazing. Inchbonnie isn't very busy, has lots of farmland, and plenty of swimming places. Theres nothing special about Inchbonnie apart from the swimming spot on our farms, the only cars going down the road are either locals or lost tourists.

Summer Learning Journey #1 Some Facts About NZ

In this activity I had to look on a website and write down my top 3 facts about NZ.

#1 To become a New Zealand citizen, you must swear an oath of loyalty to Queen Elizabeth

#2 The Auckland City Sky Tower is the tallest freestanding structure in the Southern Hemisphere at 328 meters high

#3 30% of New Zealand is forest

Image result for new zealand

Thursday, November 22, 2018

Waiuta Information Report

A Ghost Town, Waiuta By: Bridget

Waiuta is a historic mining ghost town located in the South Island of New Zealand half an hour away from Reefton. Today Waiuta is a historic town full of recreational activities including  tramping, mountain biking, sightseeing and more. Waiuta has a history of mining, the towns population grew then decreased.

                         Waiuta’s Mining History

Waiuta was known for mining. Waiuta’s first mine, Blackwater Shaft was near the town and was 563m deep and went into full operation in 1908. There was a second mine called the Prohibition Shaft that was 879m deep and  became the main operating mine in 1936.The miners drilled gold bearing quartz out of an underground reef. The mine had timber props to stop the mine from caving in. In 1951 the Blackwater Shaft was being used for ventilation and pumping at the time, it collapsed resulting in gas and water not being able to be extracted.

Waiuta’s Population & Buildings

Waiuta had a population growth & loss and lots of buildings. There was the Empire Hotel near the entrance of the town that was used for lots of social gatherings. There was also a miners hall that was added in 1910, and was a large place for big gatherings. There was a school that slowly expanded over the years, by 1933 it had 113 students and 3 staff. The last major building was a cottage hospital completed in 1916. Waiuta thrived from 1906-1930, around 1930 it had around 600 people in the community. After the Blackwater Shaft collapsed the mine was shut down and the town was abandoned. After around a month there was only around 30 people left. In 1935 Inangahua had around 3600 people and 600 of them were at Waiuta.

Waiuta Overall

Overall Waiuta’s population grew and decreased thriving through 1906-1930. Waiuta had lots of buildings for many different reasons. Waiuta was very popular for mining but is now a ghost town with some buildings still in tack.

Friday, November 16, 2018

Personal Inquiry Time Table Reflection

In my time table I had big plans but the guitar is tricky to play especially for me because I have short  fingers and the guitars a bit too big for me, it's a lot different from the ukulele. The first 2 week were quite easy because it was like ukulele but bigger, sounded different and the chords were very similar. My fingers were an issue at first but I got used to it, when I started to learn songs I used youtube to help and look for some tutorials. The tutorials weren't  very clear even though it said "super easy" "for beginners" but they weren't clear at all. So then I went to Shirley and asked for her help because she is good at guitar. Now I just need to organise when I'm going to get lessons from Shirley. I was supposed to be learning picking this week but I think my time table was very big for a beginner. I don't think I will achieve the end of my time table but I will try.

Friday, October 19, 2018

Weekly Reflection

This week was the first one back at school, I began my personal Inquiry on guitar and have been doing alright with my guitar the only struggles have been with some chords because I have short fingers. It has been quite easy to learn the guitar because I am really good at the ukulele so some of the chords are the same but with different names. I think my guitar personal inquiry is good and big enough because it is a brand new instrument for me.  We made timetables for our inquirys and I think mine is going slow steps but it is being affective towards me learning the guitar. Pet day was this week and I think it went really well I finished my poster (many other people didn't) and it was to a good standard. I got second place with Blanche my cat and the organisers did a good job. I've been doing my 20 minutes of khan everyday before the deadline, otherwise I think this has been an ok week.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Weekly Reflection

I prefer a structered classroom, but I don't mind Self-Directed-Learning. I learn the same way in SDL and being structered or having a certain time for a certain subject. I am always on top of the schedule and sometimes only have my personal inquiry to do (which is rock candy with Tess, and fundraising with Eden). I have completed everything and I'm almost finished my watercolour portfolio. I focus naturally and not really off task, when we do have the class basically all SDL I will be fine. I will keep focus by focusing on getting my personal inquiry and wanted to get it done. Anyway I am still the same with my learning and scheduel, I am still not the biggest fan of SDL but I am fine with it.

Tuesday, September 11, 2018

Moment In Time Rapunzel Sentence

Original: She scolded him fiercely for daring to enter and steal from her garden.

My Version: 
The leaves crunched as he planted his foot on the green path. The figure of an old cracked grey wall raised in front of his innocent eyes. He felt the sharp crumbly rock on his finger as it bled a single tear of blood. Hauling his body over the slightly crumbling wall, he fell down and planted his feet on the ground. The Rapunzel shined like the sun, brighter than the other crops, wandering towards the Rapunzel plant with guilt. Grasping the shiny green plant and pulled it out with ease, dawdling towards the old gravely wall again but heavy breathing caught his attention. Spinning around as quick as lighting to the sight of a wrinkly wart infested witch. The witch turned her grin into a frown before scowling at him with anger. He started to quiver before dropping on his knees and pleading with fear. The witch slowly approached the man before boldly yelling at him. She sighed with annoyance before accepting his useless offer to take the child when it was born. The man slipped on the dirty mud patch before scattering scared, his heart almost bursting out of his chest. He climbed back over the dusty ancient wall before returning huffing and puffing.

Friday, September 7, 2018

Rapunzel Scratch Game

Click the green flag control Rapunzel and Pascal with arrow keys, move Rapunzel into the red arrows to switch location, move Rapunzel onto the items to collect them, it bugs out sometimes and if you want to stop the bugging you can go onto scratch and tell me if you know how to help any way enjoy!

Weekly Reflection

This week I have been caring, kind and I do all of my tasks on time and get them complete at a decent quality. I have been connected to everyone because that was our focus and that we are connected weather we like it or not. I am always trustworthy and I have been treating everything and everyone kindly and equally. I complete all of my tasks on time or before and I will keep it that way. 

Wednesday, September 5, 2018

My Version Of Hansel & Gretel

Twisted Hansel & Gretel

Once long ago in the 1800’s there lived a little family, they were the Huntersons.
The Huntersons family had the father, the stepmother, Hansel and Gretel.
Gretel was as skinny as a branch, luscious blond hair and sapphire blue eyes.
Hansel was very similar to Gretel except he was a bit more chubbier and had different interests.
When Hansel and Gretel were children there was very little food and not a lot of items to help them survive.
Their mother had died when they were very young and soon later their father remarried to their
wicked stepmother.
“I hate those kids, hmm how should I get rid of them. Oh, I know I’ll drop them in the woods by the evil
gingerbread lady mwahahaha!” Thought the stepmother to herself.
One day the kids were very hungry so they decided to take their mind off the pain they would go exploring,
little did they know that was their wicked stepmothers plan.

The moonlight lit up the fog, the only light guiding them through the thick, dense greenery.
The rustling in the bushes frightened them as shadows passed, making them trip filling their mouths with a
horrid taste of dirt. A howl in the distance startled the kids, putting them to a stop. There was a gush of wind
half knocking them over. The moss slipping in between their toes,  sending a shiver up their spines.
“Oi you useless kids hurry up I’m getting cold!” said the mother with a fierce voice, the kids quivered in fear
and didn’t respond. Hansel and Gretel quickened their pace panting.
After many hours of walking far into the bush Hansel and Gretel fell asleep and while they got some shut eye
their horrid stepmother wandered back to her house.

Hansel woke his body aching with pain, Gretel  soon awoke after.
They thought to themselves and knew there was no point in staying where they were.
So they wandered off trying to find their stepmother…
stepmother. “THIS IS THE BEST DECISION I’VE EVER MADE!” continued the stepmother
“Honey have you seen the children?” questioned Harold the father.
The stepmother turned down the music and replied “Oh dear I do not know” said the stepmother in a
sarcastic sorrow voice then turning it into a silent evil chuckle…
After many hours of wandering through the thick dense forest there was a sweet aroma that erupted
 around the children filling their sense with a sugary appetizing smell. A glimpse of bright crystalized
colour exploded out through a gap in the dense forest. The explosion of vibrant colours were egging the
children on, their imaginations soaring as they took a step closer. One step, two steps, three steps closer then
they started to sprint as the figure of a house appeared, but this house was the house they imagined in their
dreams. As they started eating like a starving lion, chewing at the house getting a taste of past children's
saliva. Out of the door came heavy breathing and loud stomps, the figure was quite big and had a lot of rolls,
on her body and in her house. She wore an apron with pastel colours. She had ginger hair and a triple chin.
she pulled a machete out of her shirt and yelled “WHAT DO YOU LITTLE KIDS THINK YOUR DOING!”
Hansel and Gretel took a step back and whimpered like a dog, the fat lady made the ground shake as she
charged at Gretel. The gingerbread lady, took a swing at Gretel… slicing her right over the heart.
Blood was spilling out of Gretel’s body as she fell on the grass, her face was left on a scared shocked lifeless
emotion. Hansel knew he had to run but it was also too late for him, the gingerbread woman had already
sliced him in half. Hansel sorrowfully looked down at his spewing body with blood and turned like a stone
statue. The gingerbread woman squealed with joy as she received her new meat for her meat pie.
The gingerbread woman placed some more unbaked goods in the oven preparing her house for her next
victims. The gingerbread woman dragged the lifeless Hansel and Gretel into her house and made them
into a pie.

So the evil stepmother obtained what she wanted and the gingerbread woman managed to lure in a
lot more children who received the same fate as Hansel and Gretel.