Wednesday, December 19, 2018

Summer Learning Journey #24 Colossal Squid

My Task: Let’s imagine that the average adult can lift 25 kg and the average child can lift 15 kg. How many adults and children will it take to move the giant squid into its new room at Te Papa? [Note: There is more than one right answer to this question.]
On your blog, tell us how you will solve this maths problem. You can write your answer in words, use a Sketchpad image or post a video explaining how you would figure it out. Be sure to give us your final answer. .
You can have lots of different answers so I will put down 4

Answer 1 = You will need 20 adults because 25x20 is 500,
 25x20= 500

Answer 2 = You will need 32 children because 15x32 is 480 and 1 adult because they can hold 20kg, 480+20=500

Answer 3 = You will need 20 children because 15x20 is 300 and 10 adults because 20x10 is 200, 300+200= 500

Answer 4 = You will need 8  children because 15x8 is 120 and 14 adults because 20x14 is 280, 120+280= 500

1 comment:

  1. Greetings Bridget!

    Woah you are totally a mathematician!
    I love how you included some other possible answers! You are doing an amazing job! Well done for always going above and beyond!

    I would hate to be that one adult with 32 children. Squid has gross and squishy flesh! I do not want to touch it, let alone carry one!

    Keep up the amazing work!


Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.