Tuesday, June 18, 2019

Google Slides Animation

In class we have been learning how to use google slides for animations. I've made these before but I still made another one. My one is about cheese and a mouse.

Tuesday, June 4, 2019

Fair Trade Learning

At school recently we have been doing a lot of learning to do with Fair Trade. First off we started with learning what Fair Trade is. I learnt some new information about what happens in other countries. I can't believe kids my age are forced to work all day and get no education. We made fair trade poems in groups or on our own. I paired up with Tara for our poem, we did an accrostic poem. We looked at examples of Fair Trade poems and got some insparation off of them. We wrote down our poems on fair trade sacks using Indian Ink. When Karen was making the sacks flat, she found a few Fair Trade coffee beans! Along the way we also got to try some Fair Trade chocolate, looked at some Fair Trade packaging. Some people used stencils to write down their poem, others did it free hand. Also next time your at the supermarket try buy some Fair Trade items. 
Here are some photos of Tara and I's poem.