Monday, January 20, 2020

SLJ Week 3 Day 1 Activity 1: The World Wide Web

For this activity please take screenshots of four different websites that you find helpful for your learning. They can be websites that you use in class or websites that you use on your own at home. Present the screenshots as a poster or put them into a presentation.
On your blog, share your poster or presentation of your favourite learning websites.


  1. Hello Bridget,

    Thanks for sharing your favourite learning websites. I find youtube really useful too! It is a great resource for learning, and I prefer it to reading because I am a visual learner. It is easy to get a little distracted on youtube though, especially with the autoplay feature, sometimes I end up going on a tangent and totally forget what I was looking for!

    I am glad you also enjoy using MathsBuddy to help you with your learning. Do you enjoy learning new maths?

    Google drive is such a great website too! Like you, I also use it for organisation. I don’t know where I would be without it.

    Thank you for creating this blog post! I enjoyed learning about your favourite websites :)


    1. Hi Beren, thanks for commenting on my blog!

      Youtube is a great app whether your watching videos to learn something or just for fun. I agree the autoplay feature can be distracting and helpful, but I turn off the autoplay so I don't get distracted.

      I enjoy learning new maths, it was really helpful last year because I wasn't getting challenged in my maths. I learnt how to do long division because of MathsBuddy.

      I agree Google Drive helps me stay organised to, I love keeping things organised or in order. Again thanks for commenting on my blog!

      -Bridget :)


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