Sunday, January 12, 2020

SLJ Week 2 Day 3 Activity 3: Belle Of The Ball

For this activity, choose a book that you like and write a short review of it. In the review, tell us what the book is about and what you like about it.
On your blog, share your book review with a photo or illustration (drawing) of the book.
For this activity I love so many books I couldn't choose between The Hunger Games Series, CHERUB Series, Divergent Series, The Maze Runner Series, The Ruby Redfort Series and so many more. But I chose the Rock War Series by Robert Muchamore, I will write a review about the first book.
The book is called Rock War and it is the first book out of 4 the other 3 books are Boot Camp, Gone Wild & Crash Landing. This series is about 3 teenagers who are all different, the first person is Jay. 
Jay lives in a busy house with lots of siblings, he is in a band with his mates but the drummer Tristian is horrible. Jay decides to start a band with his two older brothers Adam and Theo, and an amazing drummer from school Babatunde. Jay's band is called JET which was a quick decision made by Jay right before a competition.
Summer lives with her sick nan and barely has anytime for school, and basically no time to be in a band. Summer has an amazing voice but has no time for extra activities like being  in a band. Until one day Summer and her reckless classmate Michelle both get in trouble and start to hang out. Summer joins Michelle's band with her two older sisters, and their band is called Industrial Scale Slaughter.
Dylan's Dad is a millionare and is the lead vocalist in a famous band called Terraplane. Dylan is forced to go to a horrible boarding school and has to either play a sport (which he hates) or be in a band. Dylan joins a band called Pandas Of Doom and is really good at making music.
All three bands sign up for a T.V show called Rock War along with lots of other bands. 
I'm not going to re-write the whole book right now or spoil any more of it, but I love the concept of the books and how all three teens are from different backgrounds and it's just an amazing series, so I reccomend these books if you liked the CHERUB Series. 
Image result for rock war cover
Image: LINK


  1. Hey again,

    Bridget this is amazing! You have convinced me to read this series! You have made it sound so interesting! I love how passionate your writing is!

    Your post has a really good balance of information to get the reader interested, but not too much so that the story is spoilt! It is really hard to master this balance so you have done well! You have given just the right amount of information that I want to know more!

    How did you come across this series? When I was in school I found it really hard to find book series that I liked. It’s awesome that you have found this one that you enjoy!

    Do you like to read lots? You have listed so many series that you seem to like. Which are your favourites? I really like The Hunger Games, and the Divergent Series.

    Thank you for recommending such an interesting series! I love how much detail you have written in! This is really fantastic! Amazing work Bridget you should be very proud of this post!

    Matilda :)

    1. Hi Matilda, thanks for commenting on my blog!
      I came across this series because my brother knew I loved Robert Muchamore's books and for Christmas he got me the first two books in the series. Then I looked at the authors website and bought two other books. I love reading books, I used to read every day when I travelled on the bus to and from school. I love heaps of books my bookshelf is full, I can never choose a favourite book I've read too many and I'm indecisive. Thanks again for commenting on my blog!

      -Bridget :)

    2. Hey Bridget!

      I'm so happy to hear that you enjoy reading so much! I used to read everyday on the bus too!

      Do you have a favourite genre? I quite like adventure books. What do you prefer?

      Keep the posts coming! We only have today and tomorrow until the program is finished!

      Matilda :)


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