Sunday, January 5, 2020

SLJ Week 2 Day 1 Activity 1: Playing Favourites

For this activity, create a list of your ‘Top 5’ favourite things to do and take a photo of yourself doing each of these things.
On your blog post both your list and your photos of your favourite things.
  1.  Bouncing on the trampoline
  2. Swimming in the back of the farm
  3. Playing hockey
  4. Kayaking
  5. Hanging out with friends

    There's no photo of me playing hockey or hanging out with friends, but it was my birthday on the third of January and I had two of my friends come over.

In this photo I'm doing a front flip on the trampoline.


In the summer I like to go swimming                                           
and kayaking in this waterhole, it was                                       
really cold when I took this photo that's 
why I'm not swimming.


  1. Happy birthday for 3 January! Kayaking is one of my favourite things too. We took Luna for her first kayak at Mitchells the other day - she whimpered a bit but did really well.

  2. Hi Bridget

    Thanks for sharing with us your five favourite things to do. Great to see that they are all outside things too. Great for the summer.

    Great work doing for flip on the tramp, it is always fun jumping on the trampoline. Something quite nice about it.

    It is such a shame that the weather has been so cold during these holidays. I really do hope that it warms up before it is time for us all to go back to school.
    You might just have to spend more time in you kayak instead of swimming.
    We go to Punakaiki in the summer and the water out there has been freezing too.

    Looks like you have just had a birthday too, so Happy Birthday! Did you do anything exciting?
    I hope you got to hang out with your friends for a bit!

    Keep up the great work Bridget.

    Until next time

    Allie :)

    1. Hi Allie, thanks for commenting on my blog! I agree just the feeling of being able to jump really high and land again safely is really fun. I have been swimming and kayaking a few times, but it was really cold when I capsized into the water. Some of my Mum's friends went to Punakaiki as well but they got really sick, I hope you didn't get sick in Punakaiki. Also thanks for saying Happy Birthday :) I just had two of my friends over for a sleep over and it was fun.
      -Bridget :)


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