Sunday, January 5, 2020

SLJ Week 2 Day 1 Activity 3: Dear Jacinda

For this activity, please write a letter that includes the issue you have chosen, why you have chosen it, and what you would like our Prime Minister, Jacinda Ardern, to do about it. It is your job to persuade us (and her!) that it’s an important issue.
On your blog, share your letter to Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern.
Dear Jacinda Ardern
My name is Bridget Rooney, I am a 13 year old girl from the West Coast of the South Island. I just finished my last year at Lake Brunner School (a small school in Moana). That's just a little about me so you know who is writing this letter. But that's not what I'm writing about...

I am going to adress a problem in New Zealand that I think the government can do something about instead of just talking about it. Personally I am big animal lover and nature lover.  I love the country I live in and the wild life and views that make this place unique. But personally I think we need to start taking extra care of our land. I know DOC all ready look after our land and do their best to protect the variety of wild life from the kiwi to the kākāpō. I think it's time we take further action and start protecting our beautiful and unique country. Our country is like no other, we have animals that other countries don't and we need to make sure they stay alive. We don't want our other native animals going extinct like the moa, so we need to start being extra careful and protective. I hope this is enough to persuade you and the government to do something. But if this isn't enough to persuade you I will list down some ideas to try help, Instead of me just complaining about this issue.

  1.  Start giving people fines for killing native animals or destroying native bush life.
  2. Start finding more native animals and protect them more, but not keep them in a small box and make them live a miserable life.
  3. Start trying to replant native plants, shurbs, trees etc to help A. get more oxegyn and B. keep the plants alive.
I know I am just a young girl from the middle of no where but thank you for taking your precious time to read this letter and maybe consider my points. I hope this is enough to convince you and the government to start taking action even with all these other events going on in the world.

From: Bridget Rooney


  1. Hi Bridget,
    You've chosen a big topic to write to our PM about - well done!
    Thinking about the work of DOC, especially here on the Coast, what specific steps do you think would help with the protection of our wildlife? If you were the head of DOC, what steps would you implement for this region? I'm asking out of genuine interest, because it's a topic I care deeply about too, but don't think there are easy answers.
    And I challenge you to send your thoughts to our Prime Minister in real life too!

    Enjoy your holiday. :)

  2. Hi Bridget

    This really is a well written letter with a lot of passion for your environment. It is great that for someone so young to be a big supporter of our environment.
    You would go well with my daughter. She works for DOC in Franz Josef and is also very passionate about our environment. She is the first point of call for people bringing in injured birds, she then assists with getting them where needed for help.
    I think there is a lot that we can all do to help of native birds and wildlife. But not clearing land that is used for nesting purposes is a good start.
    We have a bird feeder at my house where I like to feed the Tui's. They are such beautiful birds.

    I agree with your Principal and maybe you should send this to the Prime Minister and the Conservation Minister.

    Keep up the great work Bridget.

    Until next time

    Allie :)

    1. Hi Allie, Thanks for commenting on my blog! At first I wasn't sure if this letter would be enough, but at the end of the day quality is better than quantity. I also try my best to help the environment around home, I might not be Greta Thunberg but everyone can help. I think it's cool that your daughter works for DOC because DOC does lots of great things to help the native wild life in NZ. That's good you have a bird feeder at your house, bird feeders are great because you feed the birds and you can see them. I also have a Weka that lives with my chickens, theres a hole in the fence that the Weka comes through but my chickens have never noticed it. If my letter is really that good I might send it to Jacinda Ardern. Again thanks for commenting on my blog!
      -Bridget :)


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