Saturday, December 21, 2019

SLJ Day 4 Activity 2: What's In A Name?

For this activity, imagine that you were allowed to change your name to anything that you wanted.
On your blog, tell us what you would change your name to and why you would choose that name.
Personally I wouldn't change my name because I like it and I think Bridget suits me. If I had to change my name I would probably change it to Casey. I've always liked the name Casey and when I was younger I named my bunny Casey and one of my chickens Casey. But I still like my name and don't want to change it.


  1. Hey again!

    Your parents did a good job naming you if you don’t want to change your name! I wouldn’t want to change my name either. Do you know how your parents came up with your name?

    Casey is a really nice name! What makes you like it so much? Do you know if Casey means anything else in other languages?

    If you got a new pet what would you name it? I think I would like to name a pet Toby. I’ve always liked that name.

    Nice work on this one Bridget!

    Matilda :)

    1. Hi again Matilda, thanks for commenting on my blog!
      I think my parents definitley did a good job naming me, I know how my parents came up with my middle name Leeanne. My Dad wanted my middle name to be Anne, but Mum wasn't sure. My Nana's name is Leigh so they put the two together and then my middle name is Leeanne. If I got a new pet I would name them Dash, I forgot where I saw the name but someones puppy was called Dash and I think it's a really cool name. Again thanks for commenting on my blog!
      -Bridget :)

    2. Hey Bridget!

      That is so cool that you have such a special middle name! It was pretty cool that your parents could put those two names together and make your middle name :)

      Dash is such a cute name for a puppy!

      Matilda :)


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