Monday, December 18, 2017

Summer Learning Journey

Activity: WWII was made up of many battles and events. Follow this link to read more about the timeline of WWII.

Choose two key events and find out some more information about what happened on those days. On your blog, write a short summary of two events, including the names of people involved and where the event happened.
16 October: First German air raid on Britain.
Short Summery: Germany did their first air raid on Britain, but no bombs were dropped. The air-raid  warnings were  sounded at 6:45 as the enemy planes  were nearing the east coast.
Where: Somewhere in Britain.
Names of people involved: Germany, Britain.
1 September: Germany invades Poland.
Short Summery:  At 4:45am, 1.5 million German troops invaded Poland all along it 1,750  mile border with German-controlled territory. The German luftwaffe bombed Polish airfields. German warships and U-boats attacked Polish naval forces in the Baltic sea.
Where: Poland.
Names of people involed: The Germans, Poland.

Image result for german luftwaffe plane<This is one of Germany's planes the luftwaffe.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bridget

    This activity required you to write a short summary of each event. Do you think that you could do this for me? I would like to see a little more for this one. Maybe you could also find some photos or add some colour to your presentation. This would make it much more interesting.
    If you can do this it would be fantastic. I will give you the points once I see a little more information.

    I look forward to seeing your improved version. I know you can do it!!
    Good luck Bridget.

    Until next time

    Allie :)


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