Saturday, December 21, 2019

SLJ Day 5 Activity 1: National Treasure

For this activity, we would like to learn more about the things that are important to you.
On your blog, please share three things that you treasure and say why they are treasures to you.

  1.  A loving, caring & supportive family
    I treasure having a family because I know some kids might not have a caring family, or their parents might not be together.  Thats why I treasure having a loving, caring, supportive family
  2. Great friends
    I treasure having friends in genral but I know some people might say they are 'friends' with someone then stab them in the back. Thats why I'm thankful for my friends that laugh at my unfunny jokes and always have my back.
  3. My pets & animals
    I treasure having pets because I know some kids aren't lucky enough to own pets. I also treasure animals because they are great company and most of them are adorable. 


  1. Hey Bridget!

    Wow! This is such an incredible post! You have considered such important things when you came up with this list! It was very kind of you to be thinking about other people's situations, as well as your own.

    I am very impressed with how you are able to recognise your family and friends as things you treasure. It’s always good to have friends that can laugh along with us :)

    I agree that animals can be such great company! How many pets do you have? Do you have a favourite?

    This is such a thoughtful post. Amazing job!

    Matilda :)

    1. Hey Matilda!
      Thank you, it is important to consider lots of things you see/think about everyday. Also you never know what could happen to the things/people you love. Family and friends are always there for you, and I agree it's great to have a laugh with someone. I also have lots of pets, I have a dog, a cat, a fish, two chickens, a bunny. I couldn't choose a favourite I love all my pets, but my cat does a cool trick where I put her over my shoulder and she sits on my back. Again thanks for commenting on my blog!
      -Bridget :)

    2. Hey!

      My cat does a trick like that too! He climbs up onto my shoulders while I brush my teeth and sits there purring. He only every does it while I brush my teeth. I don't know why he likes it there.

      Did you teach your cat the trick?

      Matilda :)


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