Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Summer Learning Journey

Activity:  After six long years of fighting, World War II finally came to an end in 1945. The entire country was ecstatic and parties were thrown all over New Zealand to celebrate VE Day (Victory in Europe). Imagine that you were living in New Zealand in 1945 and you had to plan a VE day party at your house. Who would you invite? What would you do to celebrate?

On your blog, tell us all about your (imaginary) VE party.

I would Invite my close friends and family, make it a party down by our one of our water hole places so we can swim and get someone to bring a bbq and light fireworks at night and sleep in the paddock and in tents


  1. Hi Bridget

    That sounds like it would be lots of fun. What sort of things would you cook on the BBQ?
    It's always good to have a party with your family and friends around. They are always good company.
    You would be good to do lots of swimming at the moment with all of this great weather that we are having.
    Fireworks is always fun when you have a group of people to watch them.
    We always have fireworks at New Year when we are at Punakaiki. We go down to the beach and light them down there. I like to watch them but don't like to light them.
    What a fun party it would be!

    Until next time

    Allie :)

  2. Hi Bridget!

    My name is Ellee and I am working alongside Allie and Emiely commenting on blog for the Summer Learning Journey!

    I hope that you have had an awesome Christmas and New Years break?

    What a cool VE party! I like the sleepover in tents idea! When I would go to my Nana and Poppa's for Christmas with my family there wasn't enough rooms for all of the kids so we would sleep on the lawn in a huge tent together - We had a lot of fun!

    Which waterhole would you go to? Is there one close to your home that is your favourite?

    I think that this sounds like an amazing VE Day, I would love to be able to celebrate with you and your family! Keep up the great work on your blog!

    Ellee :)


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