Monday, December 18, 2017

Summer Learning Journey (7)

Activity: magine that you were a member of the flight crew. Write a poem that describes how you would have felt when you landed safely in Christchurch after such a long trip. Remember, there are lots of different types of poems, and they don’t all have to rhyme.

Crowded here with lots of people.
Releaved that we got here.
On the way in there were plenty of people.
So many people.
Some things here are really cool.
It wouldve been better if you couldve came.t t t
Noise is really loud.
Greeting was great.

There are so many people.
Here finally.
Excited that were here.

The ride was bumpy but fun.
At first I was nervous but its really fun.
Safely landed.
Made new friends.
Aching body.
Not ready to leave.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bridget

    This is awesome!! You have done a fantastic job writing this poem.
    I loved the words that you have used to describe the trip across the Tasman. I'm please you landed safely.

    Have you been on a plane to Australia or anywhere else?

    I went to Australia earlier this year when I went to the Adele concert in Brisbane. It was so much fun.

    Look forward to your next post.



Thank you for your positive, thoughtful, helpful comment.