Monday, June 26, 2017

Weekend Recount

On Friday afternoon I played a game of hockey, we versed Greymouth Gold and we won 3-0. I nearlly scored a few goals then somebody on the other team hit the ball with their foot so I had to go out of the circle and pass the ball. On Saturday I had a by so I didn't play but Hamish still had his game so we went to go watch him play. On Sunday Hamish and I got our bikes fixed and we went around the community and sold some raffle tickets to our neighbor, Hamish and I biked around 7 kilometers when we sold raffel tickets. We left at 12.10 and got back at 2 o'clock. That was all I did in the weekend.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Bridget I liked the way you have set out story and I relay enjoyed it.


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