Friday, May 26, 2017

Types of dance

This term we are learning how people use The Arts to communicate. We have investigated the characteristics of different dance styles, we practiced our note taking skills. We experimented with each style ourselves and created our own dance sequences.


  1. Hi my name is Maddie I am from Blaketown School, Your presentation is really cool, I like how you put break dancing and hip hop those are my favourite ones, perhaps you should add some more videos into break dancing and hip hop because they seem to be move intertaning and more moment in the dances. Have you ever done any of these dances?
    Have a nice day!!

    Please reply when you are able to.
    By Maddie

  2. Hi my name is Aimee I am from Blaketown school. I really love the way you have put all the different dance styles into one slide show with a video for each of them. I was amazed on the break dancing and the hip hop those are my favourite. I think its awesome.
    keep up the awesome work

  3. Hi My name is Morgan and I am from Blaketown school. I like the hip hop the best. Bye


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