Tuesday, May 16, 2017

Francis book review

In class we writing responses for writing. Last term we wrote narrative stories and created books. This term we have reviewed and responded to eahothers stories. First we wrote them in scaffolds then took them out and put them on a page, I decied to make my response into a text conversation. I reviewed Francis by Tess.


  1. Hi Bridget
    You have used great words in your writing, I like how you have put it like it was a text message.
    From Caitlyn

    1. Thanks Caitlyn, Our teacher showed us that and I decided it was a good idea thanks for commenting on my blog.

  2. Great use of the fake text Bridget! I think it is a creative way of presenting your response writing. Hopefully we can think of other ways to use it in the future.

    1. Thanks Miss J for showing us this app so I could use this app for my creation.Thanks for commenting on my blog.


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